
What Soft And Hard Skills Are Needed To Become A Web Developer?


Hard skills develop on the left side of the brain and have to do with knowledge and rational skills. So if you are thinking of becoming a great front-end professional, these words that will accompany you throughout your life cannot be missing from your CV:


This is the fundamental mainstay of your web page. HTML provides the initial structure. It helps you, for example, to embed images or other elements in your web page. The “5” tells us that it is the latest version, which is the one currently used. If you want to be really good with HTML, you’re going to need the following two tools.


CSS is mainly about design, it helps you describe how HTML elements have to be displayed. Control things like colors, backgrounds, transitions and animations. CSS also helps you determine the position of the content of your web page. With HTML and CSS you can build a basic web page, but magic really happens if we combine it with this next tool.


The third piece of the puzzle is your programming language, JavaScript controls the interactions on your web page. It allows you to do many things, so think big: interactive maps that are updated in real time, create online games, or a small movie with interactive elements. For these reasons, JavaScript is the most popular programming language in the world!


Soft skills develop on the right side of the brain and are related to emotional intelligence, creativity, communication skills … That is, they give us flexibility when adapting to different situations or people. Therefore, you should not forget to start cultivating some of the following:

Design knowledge.

Be creative.

Capacity to work under pressure.

Communicative skills.

Skills for problem solving.

It is very important for a web developer to be immune to stress and be able to work under time pressure. In this position, the ability to look at the problems at hand in a creative and analytical way is a must. Interpersonal skills are also important. Especially if you want to be part of a team.

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